Our Leading Units



At our cardiology clinic, angiographic operations can be implemented for diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery
With this method, many operations are successfully implemented in;

•Atrial Septal Defect closing,

•Patent Duktus Arteriosis closing,

•Aort coarctation Stent imlementation,

•Balloon Valvuloplasty for Rheumatic Mitral Stiffness,

•Covering the Aortic Wall,

•Permanent Battery Placement (Rhythm disturbance, bradycardia, advanced stage heartdisease treatment)

In our clinic, our patients are evaluated by multidisciplinary approach, the most appropriate treatment methods are

selected by our physicians.

Within the scope of our cardiology clinic, there is Coronary Intensive Care Unit, Cardiology Polyclinic,
Cardiology Laboratory.

In our cardiology Laboratory, we implement;

  • Ecocardiography,
  • EKG,
  • Effort Test
  • Transesophageal echocardiography,
  • 24-48 hours rhytm Holter,
  • Peripheral Artery Doppler Ulrasonography,
  • Radiological Imaging examinations (Magnetic Resonance, Computed Tomography, Mammography,
  • Scintigraphy etc.)
